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Raise Your Alcohol Sales with These Pro Server Tips

Today Is: Saturday, Feb 15

A server holding a tray of drinks and recommending them to guests at a bar or restaurant

Are you a server who wants to increase your alcohol sales and bring more joy to your guests? Then, look no further! By using a few simple tricks, you can influence your guests’ drink choices and sell more alcohol. Here’s how:

  • Suggest fancy beers: If a guest orders a regular beer, you can suggest a higher-alcohol beer or a fancy craft beer. This will make them curious and encourage them to try something new and exciting. Craft beers have unique flavors and are often more potent, making them a popular choice for beer lovers.
  • Mix it up with cocktails: Suggest some of your bar’s popular or unique cocktails. This will make your guests feel like they’re trying something new and different. A well-made cocktail can be a real showstopper and add a touch of sophistication to their drink experience.
  • Match their drink: If a guest orders a wine, suggest a specific type or brand that complements their choice. This will show them that you’re knowledgeable about your drinks and care about their experience. For example, if they order a full-bodied red wine, you could recommend a hearty steak to go along with it.
  • Offer a variety of beer: Offer a range of beer options to attract more guests to order beer. Know about different types of beer, such as lagers, ales, stouts, and pilsners, and suggest the best one for each guest. For example, a light lager could be perfect for someone who’s looking for a refreshing beer on a hot day.
  • Get your ABC certificate: To legally sell alcohol, you need an ABC (Alcoholic Beverage Control) certificate. Get one by taking a server training class, and make sure to renew it before it expires. This certificate shows that you have completed the necessary training and are knowledgeable about the laws and regulations for serving alcohol.

By using these simple tips, you can become a pro at selling more alcohol and making your guests happy. So, let’s raise a glass to more alcohol sales and better experiences for your guests! Don’t forget, the key to success is being knowledgeable about your drinks, caring about your guests’ experiences, and having fun while you work.


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