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ABC Permits offers the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) approved AIM to Serve Programs via online or classroom training for: The Responsible Beer and Wine Vendor Program (WIGS), Designated manager, and ABC Server Permit.
Yes, please send inquiries to Trainers must complete an application with the TABC, as well as attend a 2 day training workshop.
Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission
RLPS Help Desk
615-532-1915 or 615-741-1602
500 James Robertson Pkwy, Fl 3
Nashville, TN 37243
Although Tennessee State law does not require liquor-by-the-drink establishments to check ID prior to serving an alcoholic beverage, in order to prevent sales to under 21 individuals, it is a recommended best practice for establishments to have an internal policy regarding checking identification prior to serving. Examples of the recommended forms of identification are:
Carding Requirements: On Premise establishments do not have mandatory carding policy, however, it is against the law to serve anyone under the age of 21. Off Premise establishments must card everyone, this includes grocery stores, package stores, and convenience stores. The ID cannot be expired. A carding exemption can be made for those who are obviously over the age of 50.
First you must apply for your RLPS before taking an accredited ABC server permit class. This RLPS is the application process that can only be done online at Once you have completed the application process you will be given a RLPS number that will be formatted in the following format: Example: 21A-NPER-SER-000000. You will take this RLPS number and provide it to your in-person class trainer or in the RLPS field for the online ABC course. For step by step instructions for the RLPS application, Click Here for the Video.