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In 1998, now cofounders, Chris and Kelly Phillips first met while working in the hospitality industry. After many years in the field, Chris began training alcohol awareness classes in a local restaurant. The training business at the time was filled with dull, out-of-date material, and it did not engage the seasoned veteran in the field.
Chris and Kelly set out to change the alcohol awareness training industry. They keep their materials up to date and engage the seasoned veteran by applying real world experience to the curriculum. 20 years later, AIM To Serve is a leader in responsible alcohol training and continues to create content that is relative to the challenges in the service and sales of alcohol.
We saw the problems that others never fixed. We asked our audience how we could improve the classes, the schedule and the course materials. The results: A whole new approach to server permit class training.
Today Aim To Serve provides a marketing-based training business that delivers the exposure,students, flexibility and money opportunities that certified trainers have been begging for, including:
And on-site grading for almost instant results!
Today’s most complete ABC Permits Training Program starts with Aim To Serve. Learn what makes us better serve our industry.
Aim to Serve is a leader in responsible alcohol training. Many hotels, restaurants, bars, large venues, and insurance companies require responsible alcohol training as a condition of their employment. Some states mandate responsible alcohol server training as a condition to serve liquor by the drink or on-premise consumption of alcohol.