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Online Training


About ABC Permits

ABC Permits was founded in 2001 and proudly teaches the Aim to Serve program. The AIM to Serve program was developed by experts in the hospitality industry with the intention of creating comprehensive skills based training for responsible alcohol service and sales. Over the past 20 years, we have led the alcohol training industry with innovative ideas and technology, while making the course engaging, informative and interactive.

Past Successes and Industry Contributions

  • A more comprehensive and engaging curriculum
  • Introduced classroom training that fits the schedule of the demands of the hospitality industry.
  • Trainers teach at the same locations and times each week.
  • Provide an adaptive curriculum that is specific to your state and local laws in addition to your company’s values and standards.
  • Provide a detailed list of resources such as ID Checking Guides, Case Studies, list of insurance providers and legal counsel.
  • Using the latest technology, created a learning platform that is downloadable through Apple and Android stores.

Aim to Serve is a leader in responsible alcohol training. Many hotels, restaurants, bars, large venues, and insurance companies require responsible alcohol training as a condition of their employment. Some states mandate responsible alcohol server training as a condition to serve liquor by the drink or on-premise consumption of alcohol.

Upcoming Events

Become A Trainer

An Aim to Serve trainer encourages an atmosphere of professionalism while assisting with alcohol compliance with state and local regulations.
