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ABC Permits News & Resources Blog

ABC Permits provides online and classroom trainings for Tennessee, California, and Kentucky with many more to come! To get started with your alcohol service training today, click on one of the buttons below or explore our blog below to discover a learning experience for the service and sale of alcohol.

Master Tennessee ABC Laws: Online ABC Class TN Guide

Tennessee has strict laws about serving alcohol. These laws help keep everyone safe. As a server, bartender, or business owner, you need to know these laws well. If you don't, you could face big problems like fines or even losing your license. An online ABC class TN is the best way to learn these laws and avoid those problems.

Importance of Responsible Beverage Service Training

The hospitality industry thrives on creating enjoyable experiences. Serving alcoholic beverages comes with a huge responsibility. Responsible beverage service training isn’t just a requirement; it’s a vital skill set. It helps...

Understanding Tennessee Server Permit Requirements: A Guide

Completing the Tennessee Server Permit requirements is one of the steps you have to take if you’re looking to work in the service industry where alcohol is served. This permit ensures that individuals are compliant with state...
Get Comprehensive RBS Training with

Get Comprehensive RBS Training with

Hello, fellow Californians! Are you in the food and beverage industry and looking to take your skills to the next level? Well, you’re in luck! is proud to offer the California Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program. In this program,...

Unveil the Secrets of ABC Alcohol Certification

Unveil the Secrets of ABC Alcohol Certification

Are you tired of being in the dark about ABC Alcohol Certification Training? Are you searching for a reliable source for comprehensive training? is the shining light that will reveal the truth about ABC Alcohol Certification Training. At,...

Best Certified Alcohol Server Training in TN & CA

Best Certified Alcohol Server Training in TN & CA

If you’re looking for a reliable and convenient way to get certified in alcohol server training in Tennessee or California, look no further than With our comprehensive and engaging training classes taught by experienced professionals, we are...

Raise Your Alcohol Sales with These Pro Server Tips

Raise Your Alcohol Sales with These Pro Server Tips

Are you a server who wants to increase your alcohol sales and bring more joy to your guests? Then, look no further! By using a few simple tricks, you can influence your guests’ drink choices and sell more alcohol. Here’s how: Suggest fancy beers: If a...

How to get an ABC License for Your Business to Sell Alcohol Legally

How to get an ABC License for Your Business to Sell Alcohol Legally

An Alcohol Beverage Control license gives an establishment like a restaurant or bar the ability to serve alcohol to customers. The process of applying for a business license can be confusing or daunting for many new business owners, and as a result, they may never...

Become a Trainer

An Aim to Serve trainer encourages an atmosphere of professionalism while assisting with alcohol compliance with state and local regulations.